
Clone Transactionsanchor

Cloning is an easy way to copy information from an existing transaction, including the payment method, so you don't have to enter it again.

As long as the original transaction meets the compatibility requirements, the only information you'll need to provide is the transaction amount – the rest will be automatically filled in.


Most transactions can be cloned, but there are some restrictions. A transaction cannot be cloned if the original transaction:

  • Was processed through PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Venmo
  • Was created from a Vault record – if the customer's information is stored in the vault, you'll need to create a new transaction from their Vault record
  • Has the status Processor Declined, Failed, Gateway Rejected* or Settling

*Gateway rejections with the Fraud or Risk Thresholds reasons can be cloned in the case that a legitimate transaction was mistakenly rejected as fraudulent.

Cloning a transactionanchor

To clone a transaction:

  1. Log into the Control Panel
  2. Click on Transactions in the navigation bar
  3. Scroll to the Transaction Search section
  4. Define your desired parameters and click the Search button
  5. Click on the desired transaction ID link
  6. Click the Clone button
  7. Enter the amount you want to charge for the new transaction and the CVV, if applicable
    • For authorizations, uncheck the box next to Submit for Settlement
  8. Click the Create Transaction button

If you don't see the option to clone the transaction, and you've confirmed it isn't an ineligible transaction, check to make sure your user's role has the Create Sales and the Submit Sales for Settlement role permission.

Checking CVV on cloned transactionsanchor

If you have CVV rules enabled and would like to check the CVV when cloning a transaction, fill in the Card Verification Value (CVV) field under the Payment Information section. If you do not include a CVV with the cloned transaction – regardless of whether you have CVV rules enabled – we will not check the CVV.